Now I Know What I Am

Dear 'AA'!

I'd like to make this short, although I should submit a story of my life to be understood. Thanks to these pages which I have studied thoroughly and with an open mind, now I have a clear picture of my life which I never had before.

Nothing in these pages rang the bell while I was reading them, but trying to understand my own life, other peoples' lives near to me and my "talents", I came to a strange conclusion. It is so shattering I have great difficulties believing it every time I start thinking of it. I couldn't even think of talking about it to some person I'd know. Because I'm considered a strange person I don't wanna get considered lunatic, too.

All of my conscious life I've been controlling my life very strongly, and still during that time I've been conscious of my "mission", felt some "cosmic loneliness", being in a wrong place in a wrong time. And longing for the stars. And suddenly I know why I've been like a puzzle in pieces, because now I've found the right places for the pieces of my life. Actually, I'm relieved. And I'm sad, because my mission has had such tragic side-effects to my family, and because I feel so home-sick.

I have no memory of any visits, but I know 'they' have visited me. So many things get clear now that I understand that I'm not only a human, but some volunteered "alien" in this weak and powerless body. You know I have a really hard time believing this. It's not a different life, not a different person (or maybe this will change me as a person?) but a context that is now perfect.

Could I say it more clearly, this is HARD. -- Convinced

Dear 'Convinced',

Yes, it IS hard to come to the realization that we are more than what we think we are. Almost impossible, I'd say from personal experience. I'm glad that what you read on this page has helped you finally come to know who [or what] you truly are.

You will find yourself now drawn to other experiencers, if you haven't already, and will know intuitively what to say to them to help them along in understanding what is going on. You will grow stronger as your sense of "mission" becomes almost obsessive. You will find yourself wanting to help others like us in any way you can. You will undergo a radical change in your personality. Notice how you are becoming less concerned with your sense of self, and more concerned with the needs of other people, especially other experiencers.

Yes, it is sad that this has such tragic side effects on our families and friends. But since this phenomenon usually involves family members, those closest to you are probably experiencers and don't even know it. I would suggest you look closely for the signs of encounter experiences in all of your family members, and do what you can to help them better understand what has happened to you, and to them. But as you know, it won't be easy.

Thank you for your letter, and "Welcome to the Club". -- Editor